2709243 Art In Elementary School
Welcome you all... My students in the class year 2002 !!!
I am happy to tell you that I received about 15 messages  from this class. Counting till the midnight of Nov.4, 2002
Keep on trying. I hope that all of my students would be the grade A students till the day that I have to submit the class evaluation at the end of  this semester.
Those who haven't sended, please hurry.

Nov. 4, 2002 Please view  First assignment submissions

Nov. 4, 2002 Please read  ขยายมุมมองการเรียนรู้ศิลปะ

Please visit Artelem. webcourse

*** Sendfeedback to me via E-mail. In the Subject line, type your name so thatit will be easy for me to know whose letter it is. 

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Updated Nov. 5, 2001