


            Our friend Rusty was finally receiving his black belt in tae kwon do and had to arrive early for the ceremony at the martial-arts school he attended.  The plan was for his wife, Janet, and their kids to follow later.  Just when  it was time for the family to leave, their nine-year-old son was in a panic because he couldn't find his shoes.  Jane and all three kids tore the house apart before finding the shoes, which made everyone late.  At the school, Janet and the kids ran up the steps only to encounter this sign:  "To our guests-Please observe tae kwon do customs and remove your shoes before entering.




            At university, I had trouble getting to early lectures and often rushed to my calculus course wearing the athletic shorts and T-shirt I had slept in.  One night when I was feeling homesick, a friend invited me to her dorm room for dinner and a video.  I trotted across campus in flannel pyjamas.  My face was splotchy from crying.  Meeting her in the kitchen, I was embarrassed to see a guy there.  "I don't look like this in real life,"  I hastily said.  I was mortified when he shook his head and said,  "Yes, you do I have calculus with you."