Bachelor of Arts in Economics - International Program (EBA)


Faculty of Economics

Chulalongkorn University


Thai Economy 2952315 (Part II)                                                                                    Somprawin Manprasert, Ph.D.

Fall 2005                                                                                                                 E-mail:

11 October – 1 December, 2005                                                                                   Office: 302  Tel: 0-2218-6263




Course Objectives

In this intermediate course, analytical tools and reasoning are applied to the data and circumstances of the Thai economy, to better understand economic performance and issues. It is in two parts. The first part addresses near-term macroeconomic policy issues, while the second part covers longer-term structural issues. 


Here in part II, we will focus on various macroeconomic issues in Thailand. The topic includes a brief overview of the Thai economy, long-term economic growth in Thailand, poverty and inequality. The discussion of other current structural issues, such as, household debt and savings, investment cycles, and the intra-regional trade, will be based on group presentations.




The 50% of your second-half grade will be based on a presentation (20%), participation (5%), and the final examination (25%). The overall grade is the average of the first part (Dr. Chanpen’s) and this second part.


To obtain a good score from the presentation, you must deliver a clear and well-organized speak. Read-along presentation will result in a poor score. At the beginning of each session, you must show the objectives of the paper you are about to present (such as, questions seek to answer). Then, you may explain relevant economic theory or show supporting empirical data found in the paper. The conclusion of the presentation must wrap up reasoning and logics. Most importantly, you must show that the objectives of the presentation have been met. Extra points will be given to a presentation that can discuss weaknesses and possible extensions of the paper.


The 5% from participation does not refer to the class attendance. Students will earn this 5% if you can ask good questions during lectures and presentations.



Course Outline and Readings


Week 1: Introduction to the Thai economy


Week 2: A brief history of the Thai economy.


Week 3: What make us here?


Week 4: Economic growth and poverty in Thailand.






Week 5: Income inequality and intra-regional trade.



Week 6: The mega projects and investment cycles.



Week 7: Housing market and the household debt.


Week 8: Long-term saving and Where do we go from here?



  • “Where do we go from here?” Lecture notes.



Code of Conduct

It is essential that each student is thoughtful and considerate of classmates.  In particular, please note the followings:


If you talk during the lecture, students sitting near you will be distracted by your conversation.  If several students happen to talk simultaneously in different parts of the room, the resulting noise will make it difficult for others to hear the lecture and to concentrate. So, please do not talk during the lecture.  Students found talking or making noise will be asked to leave the room immediately.


If your cellular phone or beeper goes off in the middle of the lecture, this is a major distraction for everyone.  Please make a habit to turn off everything before you come into the classroom.


If you come in late or leave early, your walking around is a source of distraction for other students.  If due to special circumstances you do have to leave early on a given day, please make sure that you sit next to one of the doors so as to minimize the costs inflicted on others.