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 Bubblesort Algorithm

          The sequential bubble sort algorithm compares and exchanges adjacent elements in the sequence to be sortes. The first step moves the larget element to the end of the sequence. The last element in the transformed sequence is then ignored, and the sequence of compare-exchanges is applied to the resulting sequence. Bubblesort is difficult ot parallelize. one variant that is suited to parallelization is Odd-Even Transposition, which sorts n elements in n phases, each of which requires n/2 compare-exchange operations. This algorithm alternates between two phases, odd and even.

Usage :

1) Enter the command line, and click on the "Command set?" button.
2) Click on the "Start" button
3) Use the "Faster" and "Slower" buttons to control the speed.
4) Use the "Single Step On/Off" button to toggle the single step mode, and use the "Step" button to go one step in the single step mode.
Parameters :

     n     number of data
     r      range of data
number of processors             (upto 10)
     m   mode
          0 - random data
          1 - decreasing ordered data