ธง |
ชื่อ |
การออกเสียง |
ความหมายทางทหารเรือ |
ความหมายสากล |
Alfa |
AL-fah |
I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed. |
Bravo |
BRAH-voh |
I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous
cargo. |
Charlie |
CHAR-lee |
"Yes" or "affirmative". |
Delta |
DELL-tah |
I am maneuvering with difficulty; keep clear. |
Echo |
ECK-oh |
I am directing my course to starboard. |
Foxtrot |
FOKS-trot |
I am disabled; communicate with me. On aircraft carriers:
Flight Operations underway |
Golf |
I require a pilot. |
Hotel |
hoh-TELL |
I have a pilot on board. |
India |
IN-dee-ah |
Coming alongside. |
I am directing my course to port. |
Juliet |
JEW-lee-ett |
I am on fire and have dangerous cargo; keep clear. |
Kilo |
KEY-loh |
I wish to communicate with you. |
Lima |
LEE-mah |
You should stop your vessel immediately. |
Mike |
My vessel is stopped; making no way. |
November |
no-VEM-bur |
No or negative. |
Oscar |
OSS-kur |
Man overboard. |
Papa |
pah-PAH |
All personnel return to ship; proceeding to sea
(Inport). |
Quebec |
kay-BECK |
Boat recall; all boats return to ship. |
Ship meets health regs; request clearance into port. |
Romeo |
ROH-me-oh |
Preparing to replenish (At sea). Ready duty ship (Inport). |
None. |
Sierra |
see-AIR-ah |
Conducting flag hoist drill.
| Moving astern. |
Tango |
TANG-go |
Do not pass ahead of me. |
Keep clear; engaged in trawling. |
Uniform |
YOU-nee-form |
You are running into danger. |
Victor |
VIK-tah |
I require assistance. |
Whiskey |
WISS-kee |
I require medical assistance. |
Xray |
ECKS-ray |
Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my
signals. |
Yankee |
YANG-kee |
Ship has visual communications duty. |
I am dragging anchor. |
Zulu |
ZOO-loo |
I require a tug. |
Code/Answer |
Code or Answer |
Flag that follows is from the International Code of Signals. |
Message is understood. Also, numeric decimal point. |
First substitute |
First sub |
Absence of flag officer or unit commander (Inport). |
Substitute for the first flag in this hoist. |
Second substitute |
Second sub |
Absence of chief of staff (Inport). |
Substitute for the second flag in this hoist. |
Third substitute |
Third sub |
Absence of commanding officer (Inport). |
Substitute for the third flag in this hoist. |
Fourth substitute |
Fourth sub |
Absence of civil or military official whose flag is flying on this
ship. |
Substitute for the fourth flag in this hoist. |
One |
Numeral one. |
None. |
Two |
Numeral two. |
None. |
Three |
Numeral three. |
None. |
Four |
FOW-er |
Numeral four. |
None. |
Five |
Numeral five. |
None. |
Six |
Numeral six. |
None. |
Seven |
SEV-en |
Numeral seven. |
None. |
Eight |
Numeral eight. |
None. |
Nine |
NIN-er |
Numeral nine. |
None. |
Zero |
ZEE-roh |
Numeral zero. |
None. |
| Pennant one |
PEN-ant WUN |
Pennant one. |
Numeral one. |
Pennant two |
PEN-ant TOO |
Pennant two. |
Numeral two. |
Pennant three |
PEN-ant TREE |
Pennant three. |
Numeral three. |
Pennant four |
PEN-ant FOW-er |
Pennant four. |
Numeral four. |
Pennant five |
PEN-ant FIFE |
Pennant five. |
Numeral five. |
Pennant six |
Pennant six. |
Numeral six. |
Pennant seven |
PEN-ant SEV-en |
Pennant seven. |
Numeral seven. |
Pennant eight |
PEN-ant AIT |
Pennant eight. |
Numeral eight |
Pennant Nine |
PEN-ant NIN-er |
Pennant nine. |
Numeral nine |
Pennant zero |
PEN-ant ZEE-roh |
Pennant zero. |
Numeral zero |