Construction Engineering and Management |
Department of Civil Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University |
Chulalongkorn University |
Associate Professor
Vachara Peansupap
Office :
408, Civil and
Environmental Engineering Building |
Department of Civil Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University |
Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330 THAILAND
Education :
Bachelor |
B.Eng. |
Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand |
1994 |
Master |
M.Eng. |
University, Thailand |
1997 |
PhD |
Ph.D. |
Australia |
2005 |
Specializations :
Construction Innovation; Knowledge Management; Construction Automation; Productivity Improvement;
Virtual Reality; Building information modeling (iBIM); Lean Construction; Quality Management; Construction Health and Safety;
International Construction; Disaster Management |
Memberships :
Council of
Engineers |
Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) |
Research Supervision :
Journal Publications :
Tongthong, T., Nyimin, T. and Peansupap, V. (2023) "A System for Developing and Evaluating Fire Extinguisher
Plans of Construction Projects in Virtual Environments",
Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Vol.28 No.10, 200-219
Pham Van, B., V. and Peansupap, V. (2023) "Confirmatory analysis on factors influencing the material management effectiveness in construction projects",
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Peansupap, V. and Nov, P. (2022) "Selection Model of Subcontractor Relationships by Using Discriminant Analysis",
Engineering Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 7, pp:23-34.
Kokkaew, N., Jokkaw, N., Peansupap, V., Wipulanusat, W. (2022) "Impacts of human resource management and knowledge management on non-financial organizational performance: Evidence of Thai infrastructure construction firms",
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 6, 101750.
Dang, CN, Le-Hoai, L, Peansupap, V. (2022) "Linking knowledge enabling factors to organizational performance: Empirical study of project-based firms",
International Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 22 Issue 3, pp:527-540
Peansupap, V., Nov, P., Tongthong, T. (2021) "Utilization of Building Information Modeling for Arranging the Structural Kingposts",
Buildings, Vol. 11, Issue 8, 323.
Dang C.N., L Le-Hoai L., Peansupap V. (2021) "Effect of Encouragement-based Management Mechanism on Construction Firms' Manpower Development: An Empirical Study from Vietnam",
Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 21, Issue 2, 58-80.
Nov P., Peansupap, V., Tongthong, T. (2021) "Developing an Automated System for Checking the Strut Arrangement in Deep Excavation",
Engineering Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 99-124, Jan. 2021,
Nov P., Peansupap, V. (2020) "Using Artificial Neural Network for Selecting Type of Subcontractor Relationships in Construction Project",
Engineering Journal, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 73-88,
Luangcharoenrat, C., Intrachooto, S., Peansupap, V., Sutthinarakorn, W. (2019) "Factors influencing construction waste generation in building construction: Thailand's perspective",
Sustainability Vol. 11, (13), 3638,
Benjaoran V. and Peansupap, V. (2019) "Grid-based construction site layout planning with Particle Swarm Optimisation and Travel Path Distance",
Construction Management and Economics,
Carmichael D.G., Shen X. and Peansupap V. (2019) "The Relationship between Heavy Equipment Cost Efficiency and Cleaner Production in Construction",
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 123, p.521-529.
Jewbunchu, T., Peansupap, V. (2018) "Development of Simulation Model for Estimating Gas Emissions from Equipment in Railway Construction Processes",
International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol 123, p.113-120,
Peansupap V. and Ly R. (2015) "Evaluating the Impact Level of Design Errors in Structural and Other Building Components in Building Construction Projects in Cambodia",
Procedia Engineering, Vol 123, p.370-378,
Peansupap V. and Chang L. (2015) "Identifying Issues of Change Leading to Cost Conflicts: Case Study in Cambodia",
Procedia Engineering, Vol 123, pp:379-387,
Laofor C. and Peansupap,V. (2012) "Defect detection and quantification system to support subjective visual quality
inspection via a digital image processing: A Tiling Work Case Study", Automation in Construction, Volume 24, Issue 7, July 2012, pp.160 174,
Peansupap, V. and Walker D.H.T. (2009) "Exploratory factors influencing design practice
learning within a Thai context", Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 16(3), pp.238-253,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T., (2006), "Information communication
technology (ICT) implementation Constraints: A construction industry
perspective", Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald, UK, 13, (4), pp. 364-379,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T., (2006), "Innovation diffusion at the implementation stage of a construction project: a case study of
information communication technology", Construction Management and Economics, 24 (3), pp.321-332,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) "Factors enabling information and
communication technology diffusion and actual implementation in
construction organisations", Electronic Journal of Information
Technology in Construction (ITcon), (Paper 2005/15) 10, pg. 193-218,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) "Diffusion of Information and Communication Technology: A Community of Practice Perspective."
Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry: A Socio-Technical Perspective. IGI Global, pp.90-111,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) "Exploratory factors influencing information and
communication technology diffusion and adoption within Australian construction organizations: a micro analysis,
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 5 (3), pp.135-157,
Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) "Factors affecting ICT diffusion:
a case study of three large Australian construction contractors", Engineering
Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald, UK, 12 (1), pp.21-37,
Conference Proceeding Publications :
Pisal N. and Peansupap V. (2018) "Estimating Defect Rectification Budget from Two-Dimensional Matrix and Monte Carlo Simulation",
The 2nd International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI2018),
July 5-6, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
He V. and Peansupap V. (2018) "Application of Sensor Technology for Warning Unsafe Conditionsfrom Moving Objects above Construction Workers",
The 2nd International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI2018),
July 5-6, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
Namamuti S. and Peansupap V. (2017) "Analysis of conceptual framework for checking scenarios related to incomplete design documents in high-rise building projects"
The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering GIS NTU Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
Theeraniramit N. and Peansupap V. (2017) "Identification of Indicators for Evaluating Contractors Practice on Sustainability at the Construction Site",
The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering GIS NTU Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
Peansupap V. and Xiaofeng L. (2017) "Approach of Cost Monitoring with 5D BIM on Construction Project",
Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-9),
March 5-7, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Thanakanya N. and Peansupap V. (2016) " Work-Time Waste in Thai Construction Activities: A Case Study of The Construction Process of Red Brick Walls",
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE 2016),
October 12-14, 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Peansupap V. and Thuanthongdee S. (2016) "Level of Development of BIM Model for Supporting Cost Estimating in Building Construction Project",
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE2016),
July 6-8, 2016, Osaka, Japan
Sresakoolchai J. and Peansupap V. (2016) "Preliminary Cost Estimating Framework for Structural and Road Works of Double Track Railway Project",
Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE2016),
April 25-26, 2016, Singapore
Puttasrijaru C. and Peansupap V. (2016) "Opportunities and Treats in Housing Construction Market: Case study in Cambodia",
Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE2016),
April 25-26, 2016, Singapore
Ly H., Tongthong T., Peansupap V. (2014) "Evaluating Importance Level of Buildability Factors in Cambodia",
Proceedings of the International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference (InCIEC 2014)
Springer Verlag, Singapore
Wongprates P. and Peansupap V. (2014) "Risk Evaluation of Accidents in Bored Pile Construction Process",
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering.
November 10-12, 2014, Shanghai, China
Wongprates P. and Peansupap V. (2014) "Developing Safety Measures and Checklists for Driven Pile Construction",
Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) & Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks 2014
(ConCERN), 4-5 November 2014.
Ly H., Tongthong T., Peansupap V. (2014) "Barriers to Buildability Implementation in Cambodian",
Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) & Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks 2014
(ConCERN), 4-5 November 2014
Thuanthongdee S. and Peansupap V. (2013) "Limitations of Using Building Information Modeling for Quantity Take-off",
Proceedings of the 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC) ,
Nov 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
Peansupap V. and Tachi S. (2013) "Exploring Critical Conflict Issues Between Public Owners and Contractors During Construction Phase",
Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13),
September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, D-3-4.
Palnutsook S. and Peansupap V. (2013) "Identification of Competency for Civil Engineering in Construction Management Consulting Firms",
Proceedings of the 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC) ,
Nov 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
Chatchon Akkharaphimarn and Vachara Peansupap (2013) Developing Performance Scale for Evaluating Consultant Practice in Building Construction Project , Proceedings of The 25th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,
Oct 22-24, 2013, Busan, South Korea.
Tashi, S. and Peansupap V.(2013) Review of Conflict Issues in Construction of Public Projects in Bhutan , Proceedings of the 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering,
May 8-10, 2013, Chiang Mai, Department of Civil Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Peansupap V. and Ramli R.Y. (2012) Conceptual Model for Improving Negotiation in Material Procurement Process", The 5th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC),
the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC) and the 3rd Seminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS, NRCT and ERDT) 25-26 October, 2012.
The Windsor Plaza, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Peansupap V., Nur Soleha Binti Abdul Rahim (2012) The Concept of Applying Strategic Planning for Malaysian Contractors to
operate in Overseas Construction Project", The 5th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental
Engineering Conference (AEEC) and the 3rd Seminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS, NRCT and ERDT) 25-26 October, 2012.
The Windsor Plaza, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Peansupap V. and Nov P. (2012) A Review of Criteria for Selecing Short and Long-Term Relationship between Main Contractor
and Subcontractor", The 5th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference
(AEEC) and the 3rd Seminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS, NRCT and ERDT) 25-26 October, 2012.
The Windsor Plaza, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Duanngai K., Peansupap V. (2011) "Developing Indicator for Measuring Performance of Design Team in Construction Organization",
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, December 14-16, 2011, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center,
Awaji, Hyogo, Japan.
Chan V., Peansupap V., Tongthong T. (2011) "Analysis of Noise Hazard on Worker's Perception under Piling Operation",
Proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference, November 22-23, 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Chan V., Peansupap V., Tongthong T. (2011) "Conceptual Model of Noise Hazard Assessment System for Construction Workers",
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-VI),
July 5-7, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Noonma, A. and Peansupap, V., (2011) "Strategic Option of Project Consultant Procurement between Single and Multiple Contracts:
Case Study" Proceedings of the International Transport Research Conference (ITRC), April 12-14, 2011, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Penang, Malaysia.
Peansupap, V. and Bunterngpiboon, P., (2010) "Analysis of Ergonomic Posters in Construction Task:
Bricklaying Case Study", The UP ICE Centennial Conference on Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment,
Featuring the 3rd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference, the 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference and
the 1st Seminar on Asian Water Environments (JSPS Asian Core Program), November 11 - 12, EDSA Shangri-la Hotel,
Metro Manila.
Nguyen T.A. and Peansupap, V., (2010) "Exploring Factors Influencing Supervisor's Behavior on Safety Action",
Proceedings of Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM-2010), National Pingtung University
of Science and Technology, Oct 14-15, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Laofor, C. and Peansupap, V., (2010) "Development of System and Algorithm for Evaluating Defect Level in
Architectural Work", In Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Proceedings of the International
Conference, W. TIZANI (Editor), June 30- July 2, Nottingham, UK, Nottingham University Press,
Paper 191, p. 381, ISBN 978-1-907284-60-1
Peansupap, V. and Laofor, C. (2010) "Digital Image Processing for Evaluating Defect Level
in Visual Quality Inspection", Proceedings of CIB World Congress 2010, May 10th - 13th, The Lowry,
Salford Quays, United Kingdom
Peansupap, V. and Nguyen T.A., (2010) "Supervisor Perception of Important Factors Influencing Their
Behavior on Safety Actions", 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference, Mar. 11-12 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Mulijadi, W. and Peansupap, V., (2010) "Framework for Measuring Service Quality of Consultant Operation
in Construction Projects", 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference, Mar. 11-12 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Le, T.N. and Peansupap, V., (2010) "Investigating Essential Characteristics of Directive for Performing
Construction Process", 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference, Mar. 11-12 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Capiz, C.L.E. Peansupap, V., and Tongthong T., (2010) "Evaluate of ISO 9000-based Quality Management
Practice: The Case of Construction Companies in Thailand", 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference,
Mar. 11-12 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Peansupap, V. and Bunterngpiboon, P., (2009) "Analysis of Ergonomic Posters in Construction Task: Bricklaying Case Study",
The 22th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Oct 31 - Nov 2 2009, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Peansupap, V. and Laofor, C., (2009) "Conceptual Framework of Defective Evaluation System for Supporting Visual Quality
Inspection in Construction Work", The 22th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Oct 31 - Nov 2 2009, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Peansupap V. and Theingkuen, U., (2009) "Integration of SSM AND IDEF Techniques for Analyzing Document Management Process"
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management / 6th International Conference on
Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM 2009), May 27-30, 2009, Jeju, Korea.
Peansupap, V., Tongthong, T. and Capiz C.L., (2008) "Evaluation of ISO-based Qaulity Implementation
Implementation Practice among Construction Contractors", 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural
Engineering and Construction (EASEC-11), Nov. 19-21 2008, Taipei, Taiwan
Peansupap, V. (2007) "Implementation Processes of Virtual Reality in Construction Companies",
4th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-IV) 11-13 July 2007 Gold Coast,
Peansupap,V., Tongthong, T. and Hasiholan, B. (2007) "Analysis of RFID
Characteristics for Using in Construction Projects" Proceedings of the
12th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Phitsanulok, Thailand,
2-4 May 2007.
Peansupap,V., Tongthong, T. and Hasiholan, B. (2007) "Conceptual Model
of RFID Application in Prefabrication Installation Process" ICCPM/ICCEM
2007 Conference 1-2 Mar 2007, Singapore
Johnson, J., Peansupap, V. and Jayasena, S. (2007) "Balanced Scorecard
Performance Measurement and Contractor Selection Using a Web-Based
System" ICCPM/ICCEM 2007 Conference, 1-2 Mar 2007, Singapore
Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H.T. (2004) "Strategic Adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Case Studies of
Construction Contractors", Proceedings of 20th ARCOM Conference, Sept 1-3, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H.T. (2004) "Understanding the ICT
Innovation Diffusion Process of Large Austrlian Construction
Contractors", Proceedings of First SCRI International Research
Symposium, Salford, UK, 30-31 March, pp. 142-152
Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H.T. (2004) "Constraints on the ICT
Diffusion Within Large Australian Construction Firms". Proceedings of
CIB-W107 the Globalization and Construction Symposium, AIT, Bangkok,
Thailand, 17-19 November, 2004.
Walker D. H. T. , Peansupap V. (2003) "Innovation Diffusion Through
Strategy and a COP Approach An Australian Construction Case Study",
Proceedings of the 17th ANZAM Conference, 2-5 December, Perth WA,
Peansupap, V, Walker, D.H.T., Goldsmith, P.W. & Wilson, A. (2003)
"Developing Within-Company Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) Innovation Diffusion Networks: A Study Of Three Australian Major
Contractors", Proceedings of 19th ARCOM Conference, September June 3-5,
Brighton , UK
Peansupap. V. (2003) "The Influence of Factors on ICT Diffusion: A Case
Study of Large Australian Construction Contractors", paper presented to
Postgraduate Construction Research Conference, RMIT Melbourne,
Australia, 8 July 2003.
Peansupap, V, Walker, D.H.T., Goldsmith, P.W. & Wilson, A. (2003),
'Factors influencing information communication technology diffusion: an
Australian study', paper presented to Joint International Symposium of
CIB Working Commissions W55,W65 and W107 KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION,
Singapore, 22-24 October 2003.
Tongthong, T. and Peansupap, V., (1999) "A Computerised tool for K",
Thai Constractors Association News, Thai Contractors Association, Vol.
27, No. 321, pp. 54-59.
Tongthong, T. and Peansupap, V., (1999) "Microsoft Excel and Visual
Basic Program for Construction Cost Index and Escalation Factor", Civil
Engineering Magazine, EIT, Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 54-59.
Chovichien, V. Tongthong, T., and Peansupap, V., (1997) "A Study of
Mathematical Models for Contractor Prequalification", Proceedings of
the 4th Convention on Civil Engineering, EIT, 12-14 November, Phuket,
pp. 560-568.
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