-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 6.0.0-alpha-community-nt-debug /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; -- -- Create schema 2301694 -- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS 2301694; USE 2301694; -- -- Definition of table `account` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account`; CREATE TABLE `account` ( `account_number` char(5) NOT NULL, `balance` double NOT NULL, `branch_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`account_number`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Bank example'; -- -- Dumping data for table `account` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `account` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `account` (`account_number`,`balance`,`branch_name`) VALUES ('A-101',500,'Downtown'), ('A-102',400,'Perryridge'), ('A-201',900,'Brighton'), ('A-215',700,'Mianus'), ('A-217',750,'Brighton'), ('A-222',700,'Redwood'), ('A-305',360,'Round Hill'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `account` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Definition of table `borrower` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `borrower`; CREATE TABLE `borrower` ( `customer_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `loan_number` char(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customer_name`,`loan_number`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `borrower` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `borrower` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `borrower` (`customer_name`,`loan_number`) VALUES ('Adams','L-16'), ('Curry','L-93'), ('Hayes','L-15'), ('Jackson','L-14'), ('Jones','L-17'), ('Smith','L-11'), ('Smith','L-23'), ('Williams','L-17'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `borrower` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Definition of table `branch` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `branch`; CREATE TABLE `branch` ( `branch_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `branch_city` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `assets` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`branch_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `branch` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `branch` (`branch_name`,`branch_city`,`assets`) VALUES ('Brighton','Brooklyn',7100000), ('Downtown','Brooklyn',9000000), ('Mianus','Horseneck',400000), ('North Town','Rye',3700000), ('Perryridge','Horseneck',1700000), ('Pownal','Bennington',300000), ('Redwood','Palo Alto',2100000), ('Round Hill','Horseneck',8000000); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Definition of table `customer` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `customer`; CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `customer_id` char(11) NOT NULL, `customer_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `customer_street` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `customer_city` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `account_number` char(5) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customer_id`,`account_number`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Bank example'; -- -- Dumping data for table `customer` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `customer` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `customer` (`customer_id`,`customer_name`,`customer_street`,`customer_city`,`account_number`) VALUES ('019-28-3746','Smith','72 North St.','Rye','A-201'), ('182-73-6091','Turner','123 Putnam St.','Stanmford','A-305'), ('192-83-7465','Johnson','12 Alma St.','Palo Alto','A-101'), ('192-83-7465','Johnson','12 Alma St.','Palo Alto','A-201'), ('321-12-3123','Jones','100 Main St.','Harrison','A-217'), ('336-66-9999','Lindsay','175 Park Ave.','Pittsfield','A-222'), ('677-89-9011','Ilayes','3 Main St.','IIarrison','A-102'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `customer` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Definition of table `depositor` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `depositor`; CREATE TABLE `depositor` ( `customer_id` char(11) NOT NULL, `account_number` char(5) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`account_number`,`customer_id`), KEY `FK_depositor_1` (`customer_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_depositor_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customer_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_depositor_2` FOREIGN KEY (`account_number`) REFERENCES `account` (`account_number`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Relationship'; -- -- Dumping data for table `depositor` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `depositor` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `depositor` (`customer_id`,`account_number`) VALUES ('019-28-3746','A-201'), ('019-28-3746','A-215'), ('182-73-6091','A-217'), ('192-83-7465','A-101'), ('192-83-7465','A-201'), ('321-12-3123','A-217'), ('336-66-9999','A-222'), ('677-89-9011','A-305'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `depositor` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Definition of table `loan` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `loan`; CREATE TABLE `loan` ( `loan_number` char(4) NOT NULL, `branch_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `amount` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`loan_number`), KEY `FK_loan_1` (`branch_name`), CONSTRAINT `FK_loan_1` FOREIGN KEY (`branch_name`) REFERENCES `branch` (`branch_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `loan` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `loan` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `loan` (`loan_number`,`branch_name`,`amount`) VALUES ('L-11','Round Hill',900), ('L-14','Downtown',1500), ('L-15','Perryridge',1500), ('L-16','Perryridge',1300), ('L-17','Downtown',1000), ('L-23','Redwood',2000), ('L-93','Mianus',500); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `loan` ENABLE KEYS */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;