


Please find a star in this picture.



After you read the above message and while you are searching for the star, please observe questions that came on your thought.

Would the questions be somewhat like these...what kind of star I am supposed to find,... would it be five-pointed star or which shape.... would it be all black , all white or others.....what actually the person who set this activity  had in mind..... would there be any trick …etc. ???


What happened was that in order to read this visual, the viewer would set the frame of thinking, like setting up a hypothesis, then he/she would start using that as a guide to find the answer. If he/she could not find the answer that can meet the expectation, then, he/she would let go that particular hypothesis and start creating a new one again.

Such hypotheses vary from one person to another, depending on one's background in relation to this task.
