2202205            Introduction to English Composition     First Semester 1998

The Writing Process: Grammar

Subject-verb Agreement
    The subject and the verb in a sentence must agree.  A singular subject needs a singular verb.
Singular Subjects
Singular Verbs
Time heals
A child plays
Knowledge grows
Thailand changes
Plural Subjects
Plural Verbs
Times change
Children learn
Kinds of knowledge disappear
Countries grow

The following sentences need proofreading for subject-verb agreement.  Read each carefully and see whether you can make the necessary corrections.
1.  Speaking was the most important skills for me when I went abroad.
2.  Students who participates in activities will have more chance to meet new friends.
3.  I am a very shy girl who don't dare to start a conversation with other freshies at rab nong.
4.  A Thai woman who marries into a Chinese family have to respect the custom of her new home.
5.  My best friend don't understand what the cheer meeting give to first-year students.
6.  Muriel believe that because she is fat, no man love or want to marry her.
7.  Marriage without true love cause the couple to be unhappy in their married life.
8.  There exist many way to introduce this new game; some way is good, some way is bad.
9.  The rub nong activity have been practiced for so long it have become a tradition.
10.  Several institution has banned freshy initiation.
11.  Each entrance examination handbook show students how to prepare for the biggest examination in their life.
12.  Those students who doesn't want to join the cheering activities is allowed to go home.
13.  The blessing from my grandmother make me confident to go abroad alone.
14.  My Chinese teacher help oriental students only when he ask her a question.
15.  Is there anyone who love scolding or hitting?
16.  Every people hate violence.
17.  Freshies who is victimized by the senior tyrants lose his good feeling toward the university.
18.  I like it when seniors give advice, try to be a good friends, and encourage freshies.
19.  Sympathy lead to unity.
20.  Rub nong help students become more prepared for the beginning of school.
21.  This area are full of methane which sometimes explode.