Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


2202208  English Conversation and Discussion

Daily Improvement Exercises


I've thought about what you wanted to work on this semester when you introduced yourselves. Here are daily improvement exercises designed to help you build those facial and throat muscles for clearer and more fluent speech, and to help you build exposure to and familiarity with listening to a wide range of material in English.


  1. First, do the "pretest" that follows. This will be a record of your initial skills.
  2. Every day, do at least one hour each of the speaking and listening exercise. You can break up your quota into shorter periods but no less than 30 minutes per continuous session to enjoy the benefits.
  3. We will check every month to evaluate our progress.


Part 1: Speaking Component

Part 2: Listening Component

Speaking Exercises

Speaking Component 1: Exercises, Warm-Up


Speaking Component 2: Read Aloud

Listening Practice





Last updated March 20, 2019