Department of English
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Final Response and Presentation Guidelines
Final Reading Response
The third and final reading response (2 pp.; MLA format) is a way for you to engage thoughtfully with the issues and questions we have read about and discussed this semester and to bring together skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing that we have worked on these past few months. In groups of three, you will choose a topic on The Bridge of San Luis Rey from the following list to consider carefully, discuss among yourselves, and form a panel discussing it for class on week 16. If you want to investigate a topic not on this list, please clear it with me first. Each member of the panel will focus on one aspect or element of that topic as suggested. Taken together the individual examinations should help illuminate that larger topic and make sense of it in the context of the work as a whole and perhaps also in connection with topics that other sessions are examining. Use the panel topics and subtopics below as a prompt for developing an argument that you elaborate on in your last reading response. Give your piece a title. Hand in your work in class on Monday, September 16, 2013 and submit a digital copy on
Information for initial login to
Possible Panel Topics
What instances of self-excuse do you find in the novel? What kind
of world do they create?
Communication in the novel might be seen as consisting of
lies, truth, and silence.
Questions, issues and topics to examine
Literary Criticism
Questions, issues and topics to examine: definitions of reading,
writing, literature, theater, art, criticism; aesthetics,
perfection; critiques of reading, writing, acting, criticism; the
novel's self-reflexivity
Questions, issues and topics to examine: Spain is ever present in
the life of Peru, in people's art, dress, and language, for
example. But the novel presents Spain and its relationship to Peru
with surprising hints and unexpected phrasings. When the narrator
describes the Archbishop of Lima's philological study of vowel and
consonant changes, what does "Indian-Spanish" imply (42)? What
does marginalization mean when "The citizens were too far away
from the theaters of Spain to realize that she [the Perichole] was
the best in the Spanish world" (69)? In light of this statement,
what new senses come out of Uncle Pio's pronouncement: "'We are
almost ready to take this marvel to Spain'" (80)?
It is recommended that you have a draft to give your panel members to read before your presentation date. Read each other's writing carefully, making constructive comments on the pages regarding the argument, support, prose, and organization. Then set up a time to meet, return the response with comments, and discuss each other's contribution to the panel's investigation. Once you have your first draft with feedback back from each of your panel member, consider the comments and rewrite to fix problems and make your response more effective. Some things to keep in mind as you proofread and edit your work:
Does my title show that I have a point to make?
Is my thesis sound, clear, and interesting?
Have I supported my thesis with compelling evidence?
Is the organization of my response logical and appropriate to the arguments I am making?
Is my language clear, consistent, and suited to the subject matter?
Do each of my paragraphs have a clear point and coherence?
Are my sentences varied, interesting, and effective?
Do my verbs agree with their subjects? Pronouns with their nouns?
Is my response free of spelling mistakes?
Have I cited my sources properly?
Final Presentation
Presentations of your reading response 3 will take place on the last two days of class: Monday, September 16, 2013 and Wednesday, September 18, 2013. Each panel of three responses will have fifteen minutes to present their study of The Bridge of San Luis Rey (five for each speaker). This will be followed by a ten-minute question and answer session. A moderator will be presiding over the presentations and discussion session of each panel, introducing the speakers, mediating the questions and responses, and making sure things stay on schedule.
A program of the final presentation schedule will be posted on our detailed schedule page once panel and response titles, speakers and moderators are finalized. You are responsible for e-mailing me your working response and panel titles and any revisions to them by Friday, September 13, 2013.
Please inform me of any special equipment needs such as
speakers if you are planning to play a video or audio clip. Otherwise our
usual computer (which uses Microsoft Office 2007) and LCD projector will
be provided.
Panels Submitted
"Response Title," Jitsunan Po-ngam
"Love in a Different Aspect," Supawadee Jaijon
"The Hidden Writer," Pachaya Disthaamnarj
"Balance in Loss and Gain of Love," Surachai Boonyasiri
"Speakable Silence," Sineenart Uparamaiyamas
updated September 15, 2013