Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Reading Response 4 and Presentation Guidelines

Reading Response 4


The last reading response (2 pp.; MLA format) is a way for you to present your examination of a literary text on the syllabus this semester and to bring together skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing that we have worked on these past few months. You will be working with two other students in close reading and thinking about your chosen text(s), and will be presenting your findings in a panel with them during the last week of class. See Suggested Response and Presentation Topics below. Submit your reading response 4 in class on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.

Response and Presentation Instructions

Your final reading response is two pages long. (It might be your fourth, fifth, or more, depending on how many you have submitted throughout the semester.) This paper will be part of a group effort to study a topic or text(s). You will present your paper in a panel with your group members in the last week of class. Panel and paper topics are suggested below. Each individual and group should refine the topics further, after your study and discussion of the texts, to reflect your textual investigation results. (The developing an argument exercise work might be useful synthesis.) You are also welcome to propose your own topic and panel. Please make an appointment to discuss your ideas with me

Final presentations (30 minutes per panel: 15 minutes presentation [5 minutes per speaker] + 15 minutes question and answer session) take place on Monday, November 23 and Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Students form four panels of three members and decide to work on one of the topics below to present in class, with each member focusing on one aspect of a topic or on one text. You may study and research any aspect of any work(s) in the course packet that interests you including those suggested by the topics given below. These are general topics that need to be narrowed and refined into a specific argument. Discuss among your panel members what aspect of the topic each person wants to focus and speak on, share your research and close reading discoveries, critique each other’s work in progress, and together present to classmates your combined effort what close reading reveals about a text or texts. Over the weekend, once your papers take shape more clearly, e-mail me your finalized or latest paper and panel titles so that I can update the presentation program on our detailed schedule.

Sign up to meet with me to discuss your ideas in more detail in a time slot given in the schedule below, and go to the Zoom Meeting Room at the appointed time.

Scroll down for more specific instructions on the presentation and participants' roles.

Consultation Schedule Sign-Up Times
Thursday, November 19, 2020 (Zoom Meeting Room)
2:00–2:15 p.m.    
2:15–2:30 p.m.    
2:30–2:45 p.m.    
2:45–3:00 p.m.    
3:00–3:15 p.m.    
3:15–3:30 p.m.    
3:30–3:45 p.m.    
3:45–4:00 p.m.
4:00–4:15 p.m.
4:15–4:30 p.m.

Friday, November 20, 2020 (Zoom Meeting Room)
2:00–2:15 p.m.: Chonnanart Chulalak and Titaya
2:15–2:30 p.m.    
2:30–2:45 p.m.: Kawinthip, Romravin and Thamonwan
2:45–3:00 p.m.    
3:00–3:15 p.m.: Amalina, Charukit and Phonphatcharin
3:15–3:30 p.m.
3:30–3:45 p.m.
3:45–4:00 p.m.
4:00–4:15 p.m.
4:15–4:30 p.m.
Suggested Response and Presentation Topics

Below are reading response 4/final presentation topics.
1.    Names and Naming
This panel will explore the use of names and naming in three literary works. Some questions that we will discuss are:
Focus 1: Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
Focus 2: Stephen Karam, Sons of the Prophet
Focus 3: Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy
2.    Setting
This panel will explore the significance of and interplay between place and time in imaginative writing. Issues to investigate:
Focus 1: Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"
Focus 2: Sarah Gailey, "A Lady's Maid"
Focus 3: Brad Aiken, "Done That, Never Been There"
Focus 4: Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
Focus 5: Stephen Karam, Sons of the Prophet
Focus 6: Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy
3.    Symbols and Symbolism
This panel will investigate the function of symbols and symbolism in literary texts. Ideas to pursue:
Focus 1: Christina Rossetti, "What is pink? a rose is pink"
Focus 2: William Blake, "My Pretty Rose Tree"
Focus 3: Emily Brontë, "How still, how happy! These are words"
Focus 4: William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116
Focus 5: Edward Field, "Icarus"
Focus 6: W. H. Auden, "Lullaby" 
4.    Variations on Repetition
Repetition is a deceptive technique. On the face of it, repetition is sameness, similarity. In actual use, a repeated sound, word, phrase, sense, structure, action, or image is hardly ever monotonous or static. This panel will scrutinize the use of repetition in Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie where this feature is distinctive, follow the recurring element(s), explain how it varies with each occurrence and how it affects other aspects of the play, and evaluating the focus results together. Some questions that will be examined:
Focus 1: Laura
Focus 2: Amanda
Focus 3: Tom

5.    Variations on Perspective
How is perspective established in a literary work? How are different perspectives created? How does perspective change? How do characters, dialogue, diction, or syntax form perspective? How is perspective related to gender, ethnicity, beliefs, values or religion, economic and social status, psychology, familial relations, culture, occupation, sexuality, personality, age, physical appearance, diction, voice, tone, time, scope, scale, development, and idea? This panel aims to inspect this framing device or lens at play in Stephen Karam's Sons of the Prophet and explain how it shapes the play. How does it comment on the theme? What argument does it propose? Taking into consideration all the findings of our close reading, we would like to be able to conclude on:
Focus 1: Joseph
Focus 2: Gloria
Focus 3: Charles
Focus 4: Bill
Focus 5: Vin

6.    Conflict and Resolution
Creative writing is an exciting space for exploration; issues that are very challenging to solve may be experimentally tested within the possibilities of imaginative art. This panel will examine conflict(s) in Ali Smith's Girl Meets Boy and their resolutions. Some issues we will explore:
Focus 1: The personal
Focus 2: The local
Focus 3: The transnational or global

Section 3 Final Presentation Schedule

Monday, November 23, 2020
Panel 1:  Title
9:30–10:00 a.m.
Presiding: Student name
1.  “Paper Title,” Student name
2.  “,”
3.  “,”

Panel 2:  Title
10:10–10:40 a.m.
1.  “,”
2.  “,”
3.  “,”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Panel 3:  Title
8:00–8:30 a.m.
1.  “,”
2.  “,”
3.  “,”

Panel 4: Title
8:40–9:10 a.m.
1.  “,”
2.  “,”
3.  “,”


Rewrite to fix problems regarding the idea, support, prose, organization, mechanics, and style to make your paper more effective. Some things to keep in mind as you proofread and edit your work:


Final Presentation

Presentation of your panel's literary examination is in week 16 of class: Monday, November 23 and Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Each panel of three speakers will have fifteen minutes to present their close study of texts we have read in this course. This will be followed by a fifteen-minute question and answer session. A moderator will be presiding over the presentations and discussion session of each panel, introducing the speakers, mediating the questions and responses, and making sure things stay on schedule.

Practice reading your presentation aloud with visual aid if you have any, and edit for speakability, clarity, and time.


Respondents give constructive comments on the panelists' talk, indicating illuminating and effective points made, pointing out problems to fix ex. content, logic, substantiation, organization, clarification, delivery, and giving further commentary and opinions on the issues being discussed. Respondents assigned to a panel are responsible for giving feedback to any and all of the speakers on that panel but are free to comment on papers of different panels as well. Students who are not designated respondents of the panel are also welcome to ask questions and give comments if any of the presentations stimulates or perplexes you.

You will be graded both for your performance in giving your talk and in responding to your classmates' presentations, how you present your own ideas and how you show that you know how to listen to, think about, and discuss ideas that others propose.


A program of the final presentation schedule will be posted on our detailed schedule page once panel and response titles, speakers and moderators are finalized. You are responsible for e-mailing me any revisions to your presentation title by noon Sunday, November 22, 2020.

Please inform me of any special equipment needs, otherwise our in-class computer (which uses Microsoft Office 2013) and LCD projector is provided.









HomeIntroduction to the Study of English Literature 

Last updated November 20, 2020