Department of English

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Final Paper and Presentation Guidelines

Final Paper


The final paper (3–5 pp.; MLA format) is a way for you to present your examination of work we have read and discussed this semester and to bring together skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing that we have worked on these past few months. Submit your paper by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 on

If you have never created an account on, here is information for initial login:

Suggested Paper Topics

Choose to explore an aspect of one or more works we have read this semester. These suggestions are general topics for analysis that need to be further defined and refined into a suitable thesis. In the process of developing your argument, aside from revisiting and close reading the text(s), you may need to consult and cite other resources, such as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the Bible, print and/or online concordances to the Bible and to works by Milton, Shakespeare, Dickinson, or Eliot, maps, images, performances, interviews, history, letters, biographies, manuscripts, commentaries, criticism, various dictionaries ex. dictionaries of etymology, literary and rhetorical terms, myths, and symbols. Some of the study questions in the works' study guide pages can also be used as prompts for the final paper.

Section 1 Final Paper Consultation Schedule

At a time slot below, sign up to discuss your plans for the final paper with me.

Monday, April 4, 2016
8:00–8:10 a.m. 
8:10–8:20 a.m. 
8:20–8:30 a.m. 
8:30–8:40 a.m. 
8:40–8:50 a.m. 
8:50–9:00 a.m. 
9:00–9:10 a.m. 
9:10–9:20 a.m. 
9:20–9:30 a.m. 
9:30–9:40 a.m.  Natta
9:40–9:50 a.m. 
9:50–10:00 a.m. 
4:00–4:10 p.m. 
4:10–4:20 p.m. 
4:20–4:30 p.m.  Sumitra
4:30–4:40 p.m. 
4:40–4:50 p.m. 
4:50–5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
8:00–8:10 a.m. 
8:10–8:20 a.m. 
8:20–8:30 a.m. 
8:30–8:40 a.m.  Wethita
8:40–8:50 a.m. 
8:50–9:00 a.m.  Pimpith
9:00–9:10 a.m.  Sadanun
9:10–9:20 a.m.  Thananya
9:20–9:30 a.m.  Apisorn
9:30–9:40 a.m.  Kornrawee
9:40–9:50 a.m.  Supitsara
9:50–10:00 a.m.  Naruchon
4:00–4:10 p.m.  Wannakarn
4:10–4:20 p.m.  Tanaporn
4:20–4:30 p.m.  Jitratiwat
4:30–4:40 p.m.  Auttasit
4:40–4:50 p.m. 
4:50–5:00 p.m.
Friday, April 8, 2016
8:00–8:10 a.m. 
8:10–8:20 a.m. 
8:20–8:30 a.m. 
8:30–8:40 a.m. 
8:40–8:50 a.m.  Kornrawee
8:50–9:00 a.m.  Pimpith
9:00–9:10 a.m.  Sadanun
9:10–9:20 a.m.  Thananya
9:20–9:30 a.m.  Apisorn
9:30–9:40 a.m. 
9:40–9:50 a.m.  Supitsara
9:50–10:00 a.m.  Naruchon



Rewrite to fix problems regarding the argument, support, prose, organization, mechanics, and style to  make your paper more effective. Some things to keep in mind as you proofread and edit your work:


Final Presentation

Presentation of your final paper is in week 17 of class: Monday, April 25 and Thursday, April 28, 2016. Each panel of three or four papers will have fifteen minutes to present their study of texts we have read in this course. This will be followed by a ten-minute question and answer session. A moderator will be presiding over the presentations and discussion session of each panel, introducing the speakers, mediating the questions and responses, and making sure things stay on schedule.

Practice reading your presentation aloud with visual aid if you have any, and edit for speakability, clarity, and time.


Respondents give constructive comments on the panelists' talk, indicating illuminating and effective points made, pointing out problems to fix ex. content, logic, substantiation, organization, clarification, delivery, and giving further commentary and opinions on the issues being discussed. Respondents assigned to a panel are responsible for giving feedback to any and all of the speakers on that panel but are free to comment on papers of different panels as well.

You will be graded both for your performance in giving your talk and in responding to your classmates' presentations, how you present your own ideas and how you show that you know how to listen to, think about, and discuss ideas that others propose.


A program of the final presentation schedule will be posted on our detailed schedule page once panel and paper titles, speakers and moderators are finalized. You are responsible for e-mailing me any revisions to your presentation title by Friday, April 22, 2016.

Please inform me of any special equipment needs, otherwise our in-class computer (which uses Microsoft Office 2007) and LCD projector is provided.









HomeReading and Analysis for the Study of English Literature  |

Last updated May 15, 2016