2103617 Advanced Dynamics




·       Classtime and classroom announcement: Tue. 9 am -12 pm @ room# 407, 4rd floor, Hans Buntli Bldg. Let’s start on Tue Nov 2.

·       I’d like to start the class by encouraging you to read Chapter 1: Dynamic Phenomena and Failures from Moon’s textbook (Handout #1). This is a great introduction for motivating you to study DYNAMICS.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Thitima Jintanawan (รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ฐิติมา จินตนาวัน)           email: fmetjt@eng.chula.ac.th

Classroom: #407, 4rd floor, Hans Buntli Bldg.

Classtime: Tue 9 am – 12 pm

Class website: http://pioneer.netserv.chula.ac.th/~jthitima/2103617.htm

Lecture notes: A4-single page version, Book version

Syllabus (pdf-file)

Schedule and class materials for Downloaded





Coordinate transformation; Finite motions

HW#2; m-file


Kinematics: position vector, velocity and acceleration; moving coordinate systems; kinematics related to moving coordinates



Review of Dynamics
