Department of English
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
2202235 Reading and Analysis for the Study of English Literature
Puckpan Tipayamontri
Office: BRK 1106
Office Hours: M 1–3 and by appointment
Phone: 0-2218-4703
* indicates course coordinator
Puckpan TipayamontriPuckpan Tipayamontri* Office: BRK 1106 Office Hours: M 1–3 Phone: 0-2218-4703
Section 1 BRK 307 |
Nida Tiranasawasdi Office: BRK 1119 Office Hours: Phone: 0-2218-4717
Section 2 BRK 308 |
Subenja Phaolaungthong Office: BRK 1117 Office Hours: Phone: 0-2218-4715
Section 3 |
Ingo Peters
Section 4 BRK 310 |
Darintip Chansit Section 5 |
Announcements |
Course Evaluation:
It has been rewarding exchanging gifts with
you these past few months. This course will be reviewed by
the department this summer to consider changes to the
teaching team, coordinators, course structure, content and
offering schedule, among other things. Your comments,
giving us the learners' perspective, are valuable input in
making our decisions and policies. Please give feedback on
your learning experience this semester: what worked or
didn't work, what new things we could try, and other
improvements we can make to this required course for the
English major and elective for non-majors. Thanks!
! Section 1 Personal Folders: Don't forget to submit whatever journal entries and other course writing you have in your personal folder on the rack in front of my office (BRK 1106) and at Roundtable Conversation, whichever is applicable, on or before Monday, May 22, 2017. You can get back your work at the beginning of next semester. ! Section 1 Anagram Pseudonyms: Every student should have a pseudonym made up by creating an anagram of our course title (Reading and Analysis for the Study of English Literature) in full or in part. You will use this pseudonym to submit critical and creative work anonymously to Roundtable Conversation. Below is the list of pseudonyms I have received from you so far:
! Course Packet Missing Pages: Your course packet is missing "Stillness" pages 178 and 179 as well as the "Happiness" excerpt. The complete pdf files of these can be downloaded from our detailed schedule page in their appropriate weeks. Hard copies can be ordered from the MCS photocopy shop if you prefer that. ! Section 1 Occasional Magazine: After much pulling of hair, imbibing of stimulative beverage, and testing of choices, I can now announce the title of our class occasional magazine from your excellent suggestions: Ignite. Thanks, Yanisa, for the cool hot name! The Latin relative of the Sanskrit agni "fire," it can be as radical as an explosion, as cool as da bomb, or as catching and long burning as education, as described by a quote often but probably misattributed to W. B. Yeats: "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." It is suggestive enough to spark a range of names for the different sections of your magazine. General guidelines for our three issues of Ignite are here. Note shifted publication dates. |
Course Outline |
Class Time: M 11:00–12:30, Th 8:00–9:30
Required Texts
Requirements and Expectations
Studying Literature |
Writing |
Links |
Essential References |
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. Print. |
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003. Print. | |
Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 20 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. Print. | |
Roget's International Thesaurus. 7th ed. Ed. Barbara Ann Kipfer. New York: Harper, 2010. Print. | |
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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. 4th ed. Eds. Roland Greene, et al. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2012. Print. |
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updated May 21, 2017