Pongsin Viseshsiri attended Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok, Thailand ; receiving her Bachelor degree in Laws in 1982.This was followes by two Master degrees in Administration (M.S.) and Education (M.A.), a Specialist degree in Educational Administration & Supervision (Ed.S.) and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Andrews University in Michigan.She joined the Faculty of Education in 1994 and served as a faculty member of the Department of
Policy, Management, and Leadership in Education. She has been involved in both teaching and administration.She taught both Master and Doctoral levels. Her courses include
Educational Academic Affairs, Change
Process and Innovation in Educational Organization, Educational Planning School,
Seminar in Education Administration. In the administrative task she has served as
a Chairperson, Educational Administration Program, and a Director of Research
and Development Center in Educational Administration and Management.
Ph.D., Andrews University, Michigan, USA

1994 :
มหาวิทยาลัยแอนน์ดรูส์ รัฐมิชิแกน